340B Pharmacy
Adherence Model
CCN Adherence Program
CCN’s Adherence Program is an innovative clinical model designed to provide support and consultation to targeted at-risk patients. Through the program, clinical pharmacists engage patients who meet retrospective risk assessment criteria and foster behavioral change through motivational interviewing and other interventions, leading to improved clinical outcomes. All actions, interventions, results and comments are tracked by a sophisticated software system designed and developed by CCN, which can be made web-accessible to CCN client prescribers, thus extending the model of care beyond the pharmacy, into the point of care.
In addition to improving medication adherence and quality of care, CCN’s Adherence Program also embodies a collaborative component designed to develop complementary models of care with prescribers and treatment teams. The end result is an enhanced program of identifying barriers to adherence and applying solutions in a patient-centered environment.
For more information on CCN’s Adherence Program, including an Adherence & Retention Tracking System, please contact CCN’s Business Development department, toll-free 1-877-301-2526.