340B Pharmacy

Physician dispensing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the program?
The CCN 340B Physician Dispensing and Mail Order Program allows people to get their prescriptions filled right at their doctor’s office – usually within 5 minutes after their appointment.

How does it work?
A patient simply hands their prescription to a Dispensary Administrator, who enters the necessary information into the CCN Physician Dispensing System. Drug interactions are checked through an online national database, and the insurance claim is processed – just like at a drugstore. The Dispensary Administrator then obtains the prepackaged medication from a locked drug cabinet; bar-code scans it to verify the correct compound and strength, affixes the proper labels and hands it to the patient along with instructions for its use.

How long does it take?
On average, it takes about 3 minutes to process a prescription – compared to an average of about 20 minutes at a drugstore.

What if there’s a problem?
If a drug interaction or other potential medical problem is discovered, the prescribing provider is consulted, who, with the support of a CCN pharmacist, resolves the problem – just like in a drugstore, only faster, since it all takes place at the doctor’s office, where the prescriber and patient can talk about alternatives.

What if someone doesn’t have prescription coverage?
Because participating doctor’s offices can purchase medications at reduced rates, discounts can be offered to patients without drug coverage, based on their income.

How are refills handled?
Refills can be obtained directly at the doctor’s office or via home delivery from the CCN Central Pharmacy at 877-349-6337.

What’s not available at the doctor’s office?
Controlled substances or narcotics, such as “pain killers,” are not available at participating doctor’s offices. These prescriptions, along with other “specialty” medications, must be obtained through the CCN Central Pharmacy or at a local drugstore.

Who is CCN?
Coordinated Care Network is a community-based organization based in Pittsburgh dedicated to addressing the health care needs of high-risk patients.

For more information on CCN’s 340B Physician Dispensing & Mail Order Service, please contact CCN’s Business Development department, toll-free at 877.301.2526.